I have not blogged since last year! Can you tell it's been a busy season? There have been times this school year when it has been VERY difficult. Schooling a 5th, 2nd and 1st grader, while having a 3 and 1 year old is a bit challenging sometimes! People always ask how I do it? Well, somedays, I myself hardly know. I can tell you though, that it is only the grace of God. I have had to remind myself alot that God planned these specific children, and He will supply ALL my needs according to His riches and glory! And - praise the Lord - the year is OVER! We all survived!
This year I have read two of Sally Clarkson's books. "The Mission of Motherhood" and "The Ministry of Motherhood". I highly recommend these books to all moms. She is so encouraging, and has so much to say about Biblical motherhood. I have been personally convicted this year about the idea that parenting is truly discipleship. If we study the life of Jesus we can model our parenting on His discipleship style. That has always been one of the main reasons that we homeschool. Discipleship requires TIME. A lot of time. Time spent in character training, study, and all the various things we do all day. I feel so blessed to have so much "time" with my kids. I have "time" to see all those little character issues that pop up throughout the day. They have "time" to see me work out my faith in everything I do. I have also tried to implement more "one -on -one" with the older kids, to do some more intentional discipleship.
So today, Kassidy and I had our first tea time/Bible study. This will be a weekly date for just the two of us to have special time together. I purchased a Bible study about Biblical beauty, and what God has to say about true beauty. When I mentioned doing this to Kass a few months ago, she got SO excited. She has been looking forward to this ever since, and so many ideas for treats. I could tell she really felt important that I would carve out time just for us. It was a sweet time together, studying God's word, and praying together. I am praying that this tradition will plant seeds in her that will grow to maturity in the next few years.
What a wonderfully special gathering you have created! Almost makes me wish for a girl! I think mother;s of girls have am especially challenging task given the times we live in - I can't think of a better topic to start with. Kassidy is so blessed to have such a wise and precious mama! I hope you guys will be equally blessed by your time in prayer and study together. Let us know how it progresses and all that you both learn. Keep up the good work!