Welcome to my blogspot!

This is where I will post various bits of information concerning all of the crazy stuff I do. There will be homeschool posts for Classical Conversations. There will be music lesson updates for my private lessons students. There may be information on Heritage Makers specials (online scrapbooking), and other creative outlets I participate in, such as crafting, decorating, and painting. There also might be "normal" blog posts if I get so inspired!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

His ways are not our ways

Some of my best pondering happens in the early morning, as I get ready for the day ahead. It actually may be my only real thinking, come to think of it. Before all the little peoples wake up, it's so quiet and still. Just me and the Lord. This morning during those sacred moments, a couple of things occured to me. #1 - I HAVE NOT MISSED GOD'S CALL ON MY LIFE FOR FULL-TIME MINISTRY. It turns out, His plan and my idea of what it was going to be were not the same. Imagine that! You see, as a teen, I truly felt the call of God on my life, beckoning me to full-time work for Him. As a singer, I was convinced that this meant I was destined to be the next Amy Grant. (Wow - that dates me!) I really, honestly, wholeheartedly thought that would happen. I was musically blessed, and He had called me, so OF COURSE that is what he would use me for! Duh! So, life has progressed...and I never became that famous Christian artist. Did I miss His leading somewhere along the way? Have I failed His call? These thoughts plagued me numerous times for most of my 20's. Now, I have known for awhile that God's plan for me was not to be a famous singer. I have gone through many years of the heavenly Sculptor chiseling away at my ambitions and sinful pride over my talents. I has been painful. It has been difficult. But I have emerged as a person who realizes that I was forcing my "dreams"into my idea of what His plan was for my life. His ways are different than my ways. His plan was for me to be a Mommy. A Mommy who knows that being a Mommy IS a FULL-TIME ministry. A much higher calling than being a pop-star! This morning as I was thinking about this, I started thinking about the disciples, and other Jewish people in Jesus' time, who TRULY thought His plan was to establish His earthly kingdom. His disciples were with Him ALL the time. They basically LIVED together for those 3 years of His earthly ministry. They heard Him preach, witnessed the miracles, and saw His service to all He encountered. And they still got it all wrong. His plan was different than their idea of His plan. So, it is really not so strange that I got His plan a little confused. The disciples did, and they were right next to Him! It just shows our human, sinful nature that we always try to shape it into something that benefits us in some way. His plans benefit Him. His ways are not our ways. They are better. I have 5 incredible little people to disciple and lead to His throne. And as all Mommy's know - this ministry is totally full-time.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Soapbox moment - What's wrong with our schools?

So, once in awhile I will write "soapbox moments". I may rant and rave and offend, but I pray I can throw in some insight and encouragement as well. The other day I saw a national morning news show that was doing a spot on "what's wrong with our nation's schools." Oh, brother! They talked about test scores, cut arts programs, yada yada yada. They hoped to implement new government programs to throw more money at the schools to fix stuff. I wonder if they really think that will help? (Although, if you throw money at me, it will help, I think...) Anyway, as you probably know, I homeschool my kids. It is what God has called our family to do, and I am fully aware that not everyone is called to it. It is hard, and sometimes I want to give up. But I have a unique perspective in that I used to be a public school teacher before I had kids. And I loved it. I really, really loved it. I was a music teacher on the elementary and junior high levels. I cherished my time with those kids, and we had so much fun together. But I also did get to experience some of those "problems" that the news show was discussing, and it was frustrating for other teachers and myself. There really are great teachers in our schools, who honestly care about educating the children they see everyday. And there are awesome kids too! Many of them try very hard to do their best. But the 2 biggest problems I saw were......wait for it.....Darwin's theory of evolution and the lack of parenting at home. I know people may hate me for saying this, but it honestly is the parents' responsibility to be in charge of their kids' education. And this is NOT just a problem in our public schools. I know of parents of private and home-schooled kids who are not embracing their God-given responsibilities to the fullest. Ouch. Sometimes I fall short as well, but I am seeking God and His word continually to raise and educate them as He wants. When did parents develop the idea that we could trust the education of our children to the government? Can we trust them with other stuff? Looking back into our nation's history, we see a time when people were much better educated than today. Literacy rates were higher. And parents were largely responsible for the education and training of children. When "factory-like" schools became the norm, things started going downhill. Then came the theory of evolution, and children started to be taught there was no reason for their existance other than chance. If you take that theory to it's logical conclusion, there is no right or wrong. Ugh. No wonder they aren't trying. Basically I have an idea what could fix the schools more than money -if Moms and Dads truly begin to invest in the education and training of their kids...that will change the schools!

Friday, October 1, 2010

Today is October 1st. It has FINALLY cooled down a bit here in Florida. I am super excited to get out the fall decorations and get the house all cozy. I LOVE decorating for fall - the rich colors, and yummy candle smells! Yippee! I really am a bit down this morning about a few things, and I wish we could skip schooling and I could "play" with my decor. But I am reminded of the verse (and song) --"I am pressed, but not crushed, persecuted, not abandoned. Struck down, but not destroyed. I am blessed beyond the curse for His promise will endure, and His joy is gonna be my strength! Though the sorrow may last for the night, JOY COMES in the morning!" SO - I am off to fill the workboxes full of math, grammar, writing, history, etc... And I will pray that I can "get beyond myself" today and be the teacher and mommy my kids need today. They need to see that in the ups and downs, happy times and sad, I will have faith and trust in the Lord. In all I do.